Lab On Call

Lab On Call

As per requirement, once a patient is enrolled in our program, he/she can have an access to lab-on-call at his/her doorsteps.

The service is made available to patients at their doorsteps to ease their hassles by three times.

The time to find a proper place, the issue of getting to the clinic or hospital and getting back, and to go back there to collect reports - it all makes too much of hassles.

With our service, all these issues are scrapped in one pack and it is just a call away. We will collect samples at your place, run the lab test at standard and trusted institution, and deliver reports to your home.

All solved.

Below are some of the common investigations/lab tests that we conduct

  • ECG
  • Urinanalysis
  • Serum electrolytes
  • Complete Blood Picture
  • Blood Sugar levels
  • HbA1C levels
  • Prothrombin time & INR
  • Liver function tests
  • Kidney function tests
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Cardiac markers- tr